Sweet Project XSWT Requirements and Design
Nobody can create something optimally and elegantly
without "standing on the shoulders of giants". The
following people participated in the initial discussion of
XSWT in bug
#38109 on Eclipse Bugzilla and have each made
substantial contributions toward the XSWT effort. They
are listed here in the order in which they contributed to
the bug report. (If I missed anyone, please email and
I'll be glad to add you to the list):
Chris McLaren <chris_mclaren@ca.ibm.com>
Bob Foster <bob@objfac.com>
Joe Winchester <winchest@uk.ibm.com>
Daniele Gariboldi <gardian@libero.it>
Konstantin Scheglov <scheglov_ke@nlmk.ru>
Ed Burnette <ed.burnette@sas.com>
Andrew Fawcett <andrew.fawcett@coda.com>
All additional feedback and constructive criticism is
welcomed and will be acknowledged along with all of the
above contributors.
What is XSWT?
The name XSWT was coined by Chris McLaren of IBM to
describe his design and implementation of an XML-based
markup language for describing SWT layouts.
XSWT Requirements
In the process of proposing, describing, and discussing
XSWT, the following requirements have emerged as
Design XSWT to be maximally human and
Keep the XML markup portion of XSWT as thin as
possible. This requires some form of one-to-one mapping
between XSWT markup elements and SWT classes /
properties / style bits, etc.
Provide an XSWT rendering engine that is as
simple and lightweight as possible. This engine should
be easy to embed inside an application.
Maintain compatibility with Sweet metadata for
describing new SWT controls.
Facilitate machine-generation of XSWT from GUI
builders, etc.
Enable event handlers to be set on SWT objects as
simply as possible.
Return a simple data structure representing the SWT
layout for the purpose of dynamically registering and
unregistering event handlers from client code.
Just as importantly, XSWT does not try to do any
of the following:
- Implement XUL.
- Implement XMLForms.
- Implement anything higher-level than SWT and JFace
native constructs.
The intent is that for those who desire it, XSWT can
be generated via XML transformations from XUL, XMLForms,
This document will discuss various design choices
affecting how the above characteristics could be
implemented. It will also justify and describe the
approach that will be adopted by Sweet.
Design Choices
XSWT has three basic decisions to make affecting the
outcome of the above requirements.
- Should the XML format itself be generic and keep all
meaningful data inside the attribute values? This would
mean that all of the SWT-specific "smarts" would be
inside the XSWT rendering engine and none of it could be
in some XML schema describing XSWT. Alternatively,
should each tag correspond directly to some SWT or JFace
construct similar to the original XSWT
- Should XSWT's SWT control metadata be described as
Sweet BeanInfo classes, as XML schemas, or both?
- Should the XSWT engine attempt to automatically
register event handlers using reflection on a target
class or provide a manual method for registering and
unregistering event handlers?
In the remainder of this document, we will answer these
Generic XML versus SWT-specific Tags
This first question hits at the core of all the other
XSWT design choices. It is both a philisophical question
and a pragmatic one: Should the XML file format "know"
about SWT or should that be a function of the XSWT
rendering engine? In other words, which of the following
examples describes what XSWT should be the best?
Snippet A: Original XSWT Design
<layoutData grabExcessHorizontalSpace="true"
<layout class="gridLayout"
<label text="Java Editor Settings:"/>
Snippet B: Generic XML Format
<object class="composite">
<prop name="layoutData">
<object class="GridData">
<field name="grabExcessHorizontalSpace" value="true"/>
<field name="grabExcessVerticalSpace" value="true"/>
<field name="horizontalAlignment" value="FILL"/>
<field name="verticalAlignment" value="FILL"/>
<object class="Label" style="SWT.NULL">
<prop name="text" value="Java Editor Settings:"/>
The following table lists advantages and disadvantages
of the design represented by Snippet A versus the design
represented by Snippet B:
| Snippet A | Snippet B |
Advantages |
- More human-readable
- More light-weight markup
- Can be used with Sweet metadata
- Can be described using an XML Schema; this
enables XML editors like XMLBuddy to provide
SWT-specific code-assist features.
- More precise (ie: no ambiguity between
public fields as properties versus traditional
JavaBeans properties)
- Can be used with Sweet metadata
- Easier to write a renderer
Disadvantages |
- Harder to write a renderer.
- May be necessary for the renderer to always
have Sweet metadata present.
- More verbose; harder to read and type
- Impossible to use an XML schema plus an XML
editor like XMLBuddy to provide SWT code assist.
On balance, it appears that the original XSWT design,
represented by Snippet A, is the better design. Although
it will be more challenging to create a generic rendering
engine for that format, the format permits its SWT
metadata to be easily described by an XML schema. The
result is that it will be much easier to use XML editors
like XMLBuddy to edit XSWT represented by Snippet A than
by Snippet B. The overall result is that the original
XSWT design will be much easier for humans to work with
than the alternative.
Using BeanInfo, Schemas, or Both
Now that we have determined that we want to keep the
current XSWT design as much as possible, we ask, "Do we
want to describe SWT component metadata to XSWT as
Sweet-style BeanInfo classes, XML Schemas, or possibly
both?" In asking this question, the crucial issue is,
"Are there use-cases supporting use of BeanInfo,
and/or XML Schemas?" Let's look at each in turn:
Is Sweet BeanInfo Useful With XSWT?
The current XSWT rendering engine hard-codes the
translation between XSWT tags and SWT
objects/properties/fields. A production implementation
would need a generic way to map from a XSWT tag or
attribute to the appropriate object class and/or field.
In this case, BeanInfo classes along with a healthy dose
of reflection appear to be the most convenient tool for
the job.
Therefore, we conclude that XSWT most likely
needs to depend on BeanInfo classes possibly with Sweet
Are XML Schemas useful as XSWT Metadata?
When editing an XSWT file by hand, it may be useful to
use an XML editor like XMLBuddy. Providing XMLBuddy
with an XML Schema describing all of the SWT metadata
will enable XMLBuddy to provide content-assist features
specific to SWT classes. This is clearly a useful thing
to have.
Therefore, we also conclude that XSWT will benefit from
describing its SWT metadata as XML Schemas.
Reconciling BeanInfo with XML Schemas
Since it appears that there are solid use-cases
supporting both BeanInfo and XML Schemas being used as
SWT metadata for XSWT, I propose that a tool be created
that can generate one given the other. It should be
possible, for example, to generate a correct XML Schema
for XSWT given a Sweet-style BeanInfo class. The
reverse is also possible, but would be more challenging
to implement optimally.
Therefore, XSWT will provide a translation tool for
generating XSWT XML schemas given a Sweet BeanInfo class
and for generating BeanInfo source code given an XSWT XML
Automatic, Manual, or Automatic and Manual Event Registration
Once the XSWT renderer engine has created an XSWT
layout from an XSWT file, an application developer will
want to process events generated by the SWT controls in
that layout. Two mechanisms have been discussed for
doing this:
- Returning a
map (String -> SWT object)
so that application code can look up objects in the
SWT layout and attach or detach event handlers.
- Using reflection to automatically attach event
handlers to methods that are named according to
JavaBeans event handler naming conventions. To quote
Ed Burnette:
Why not let event handlers be discovered by reflection,
similar to the way JUnit finds tests? If the goal is developer productivity,
then if the tool can figure something out, it should! So to use your example,
<button id="mybutton" style="CHECK" text="Add..." >
<gridData horizontalSpan="2"/>
then in the code:
mybuttonSelectionListener(...) {
If there is no handler for something then the system could warn about it if
it's important but should continue to run anyway (to help rapid prototyping
and UIDD - User Interface Directed Development).
It seems apparent that both methods of event management
will be useful in different contexts. For example, Ed's
idea for using reflection will be useful for quickly
assigning static event handlers. However, explicitly
adding and removing event handlers will be necessary in
situations where the event handler can change
Therefore, it appears that the XSWT rendering engine
will benefit from supporting both methods event
XSWT Deliverables
Based upon all of the above, the following XSWT
deliverables are proposed:
An XSWT markup language that is consistent with
Chris McLaren's original design, differing only in
respects necessary to make it easily generated by
machine in addition being machine-readable.
An XSWT rendering engine that uses Sweet BeanInfo
metadata and/or reflection to construct a SWT layout
from an XSWT layout description file.
This rendering engine should return a map data
structure containing the SWT controls it created
similar to the current XSWT implementation. In
addition, it should provide a mode whereby it will
attempt to use reflection to automatically attach
events to event handlers as described above.
A translator to generate an XML schema suitable
for use with XSWT for a SWT control given it's Sweet
BeanInfo class.
A translator to generate a Sweet BeanInfo class
(by convention, extending OverrideComponentInfo)
given an XSWT XML schema for some SWT control.
David J. Orme
Last modified: Thu Aug 7 00:06:48 CDT 2003